art, Collectables, Craft, Decor, ideas, Information, revamp

Earrings as Art

I have a creative and practical way of displaying and storing my earring collection! I will show you the the steps of how to make this earring holder artwork. It is easy and only takes a couple of hours. Materials you will need: Picture frame Fabric of your choice Spray paint Chicken wire Small screwdriver… Continue reading Earrings as Art

art, Beauty, Collectables, Decor, Fashion, ideas, Information, Lifestyle, vintage

One Persons Trash is another Persons Treasure

In Australia we have a lot of charity organisations. These organisations accept all our unwanted goods that are still in good condition, such as clothes, linen, kitchenware, toys, electrical, home furnishings and decor. Charity Bins They are also a great place to shop for rare and sometimes valuable vintage and retro items. The added bonus… Continue reading One Persons Trash is another Persons Treasure