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Fashion Icons of the 1950s

The 1950s saw a huge change in fashion. The transition from the 1940s post war fashion moved from the saloons to the streets. It was easy care fabrics with speedier manufacturing. This meant fashion was available for the masses! Designers such as Christian Dior, Givenchy and Chanel were influential designers in the 1950s.

1950s Fashion

Christian Dior nipped hourglass shapes which created a new era in women’s fashion. After years of fashion oppression and fabric rationing during the Second World War, the era of Womanliness was here.

1950s Dior

Designer Cue Hubert de Givenchy, a Parisian designer whose designs were worn by the likes of Audrey Hepburn. The most famous being the black dress worn by Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the famous gold embroiled gown worn in Sabrina.

1950s Givenchy

Coco Chanel was creating fashion since 1910 but in the 1950s she created the famous ‘Chanel Suit’ as we still know it now. It is a slim tweed jacket and skirt with contrasting bound edges. It is an elegant look.

1950s Chanel

Fashion icons of the 1950s were stars such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Sophia Loren, James Dean, Brigitte Bardot, Elizabeth Taylor and Grace Kelley. They were the first to showcase the fashion.

Audrey Hepburn mainly wore Givenchy gowns. Audrey epitomised elegance and was an example of less is more. She always relied on her little black dress when out on the town. Her pixie haircut was her trademark.

1950s Fashion Icon – Audrey Hepburn

Marilyn Monroe was one of the greatest and most recognisable fashion icons of all time, she defined glamour for generations to come. She was famous for her platinum blonde hair, red lips and her beauty spot.

1950s Fashion Icon – Marilyn Monroe

Elvis Presley was the poster boy of the 1950s. He invented his own brand of preppy rockabilly. His style was biker chic, guyliner and high waisted trousers.

1959s Fashion Icon – Elvis

Sophia Loren made famous the fashion item eyeliner. Also her hourglass figure accentuated her feminine fashion style.

1950s Fashion Icon – Sophia Loren

James Dean was one of the most handsome and iconic men of the 1950s. Dean has an effortless fashion style with his leather jacket, blue denim jeans and collars always up.

1950s Fashion Icon – James Dean

Brigitte Bardot wearing a bikini in the Cannes Film Festival, 1953, stole the show. This secured the bikini as a must have fashion item.

1950s Fashion Icon – Brigitte Bardot

Elizabeth Taylor’s style was brave, admirable and inspirational. She loved elegant jewels. Elizabeth liked to push boundaries with fashion and start trends, with her plunging neck lines, fur wraps, feather boas and eye catching head pieces.

1950s Fashion Icon – Elizabeth Taylor

Grace Kelly both on screen and off screen outfits, were the most talked about and copied of the decade. Her wedding dress in 1956 was one of the most memorable and elegant wedding dresses of all time. Grace epitomised classic and timeless beauty with her wardrobe.

1950s Fashion Icon – Grace Kelly

1950s fashion was, without a doubt, one of the fashion industries favourite decades. What do you love about 1950s fashion? I would love to hear.

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